Mass IntentionsFor centuries, the Catholic faithful have expressed care, support and sympathy by requesting the celebration of Holy Mass for a particular intention, whether it be in suffrage for the dead; in intercession for the sick, another person or another need; or in thanksgiving for graces received.
The minimum offering for each Mass requested is $10 and goes toward the support of the Dominican community. By making this sacrificial offering, the requestor associates himself/herself more intimately with the self-offering of Christ and receives grace (See Pope St. Paul VI’s letter Firma in Traditione on June 13, 1974). Mass intentions cannot be scheduled for the three days of the Sacred Triduum: Holy Thursday, Good Friday or Holy Saturday. Mass intentions will not be accepted for the following dates: Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Easter, Mother's Day (11:00 AM), Father's Day (11:00 AM), All Souls (November 2nd), Solemnity of St. Patrick (March 17th), Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day and Thanksgiving. Such requests for Masses at St. Patrick's can be made in person at the parish office during regular office hours; or online. Click the button below for the calendar of availability, scroll to the dates desired, and click on the Mass time to make your requests. Please do not request two Masses on the same day for the same person. |