Step 1:
Inquiry - Contact us. Fill out the following form and email it to us. We'll set up a time to meet, get to know you, and answer your questions. In the meantime, we encourage you to watch the 7 episodes of the SEARCH series on FORMED.ORG. [To access, go to, click on "Sign Up." Click on "I belong to a Parish or Organization." Enter your name and email, and find our parish by entering our zip code (19103). Once signed in, search the site for the SEARCH program. Watch all 7 episodes. Write down your questions. One of our priests will find a time to sit down with you to discuss your journey and questions. Once you have signed in to, next time you go to the website, click on "Sign In" rather than "Sign Up". You should be able to immediately access the website without having to enter your information again. After signing up, download the Formed App on your phone and other mobile devices.]
Step 2:
RCIA - For those who are ready, we have RCIA. RCIA stands for Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. It's a graced process and guided journey into the Catholic Faith that leads to reception of the Sacraments and full initiation into living the Catholic Faith. RCIA involves weekly classes from the Fall to Spring, as well as individual meetings with candidates.
Step 3:
Lifelong Discipleship - Live and grow in your Catholic Faith for the rest of your lives.