Being a lector at Mass is a service to the parish and a great blessing, as it involves the opportunity to devote oneself more fully to the Word of God in Scripture. To be a lector, it is necessary to be a practicing Catholic in good standing, to be trained, and to be able to fulfill the ministry faithfully and well. Here are various materials for catechesis and training. A form attesting to good standing can be found further down on this page.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Bishops, Priests, and Deacons are Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. However, when there is need for help in the distribution of Holy Communion due to number of congregants and timing, lay persons can be deputed to be Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC). It also could involve the opportunity of bringing Holy Communion to the sick, elderly, and homebound. Being an EMHC is a great service to the parish and an opportunity to devote oneself more fully to Jesus fully present in the Eucharist, and to His Church. To be an EMHC, it is necessary to be a practicing Catholic in good standing, to be trained, to receive approval from the Archdiocese, and to be able to fulfill the ministry faithfully and well.
4 Training Sessions by Fr. Dennis Gill
Acolytes serve Mass by carrying the processional cross and candles at Mass, managing incense, and assisting the priest at the chair and altar. Being an acolyte is a great opportunity to serve Jesus Who is the Principal Priest of every Mass, assist the ordained priest, and to aid the parishioners in reverent worship. To be an acolyte, it is necessary to be a practicing Catholic in good standing, to be trained, and to serve as an acolyte faithfully and well. Contact Fr. Hyacinth using the link below if interested in serving Mass as an Acolyte:
Form of Good Standing for All Liturgical Ministries
Other Ministries
Beautifying the Bride: A team of volunteers to decorate the church for special feasts.
Are you good at decorating, organizing, cleaning, or sewing? We would love to have you join.
St. Clare Crew: A team of volunteers to operate live-streaming for Sunday Masses,
our young adult group meetings, weddings, baptisms, funerals, etc.
Choir & Cantoring: See our Music page under the heading of Sacraments above.
Contact our parish office if you are interested in volunteering.
Are you good at decorating, organizing, cleaning, or sewing? We would love to have you join.
St. Clare Crew: A team of volunteers to operate live-streaming for Sunday Masses,
our young adult group meetings, weddings, baptisms, funerals, etc.
Choir & Cantoring: See our Music page under the heading of Sacraments above.
Contact our parish office if you are interested in volunteering.